Spotted Online – Battle Beasts Comic Info at PREVIEWSworld
PREVIEWSworld has an interview with IDW’s upcoming Battle Beasts writer Bobby Curnow and artist Valerio Schiti where the two reveal more art, a little more about the setting and background of the story, and basically feed the fire and keep Battle Beasts fans excited about the upcoming comic mini-series. And, according to the interview, there are ideas beyond the mini-series so if it goes well you can expect more:
I’ve got a good grasp on what would be the first twelve issues, with some good ideas of where to go beyond that. Beasts on Earth is such a rich concept to explore, with lots of potential twists and turns. Add in the great off-world Beast backstory, and there’s loads of stories to dig into.

Check the PREVIEWSworld interview for more, and then jump over to this interview with Zach Oat at ToyChestNews for more on the Battle Beasts Minimates that are scheduled for release later this year.
The first Beast toys we’ll have for sale will be a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive two-pack, featuring Vorin with his cloak down and an evil dragonfly character named Zik. Vorin will be in full color for the first time, and he’ll be slightly different from the regular release in the fall, and Zik is a fun character we designed just for this set.
Source: Spotted at the Battle Beasts blog.
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