Spotted Online – Boss Fight Studios Vitruvian HACKS Action Figures
da Vinci’s “Vitruvian Man” is one of the artist’s most-recognized drawings (Wikipedia entry), but action figure collectors will find the “Vitruvian” something far, far different once Boss Fight Studios (website) launches the Kickstarter project for their Vitruvian HACKS action figure series.

Justin at has posted several pics of the new series that was on display at the G.I. Joe convention earlier this month, and looking through all of the shots immediately has me hoping that these figures are compatible with the ongoing Marauder Kickstarter project.
After all, Boss Fight Studios is working on that Marauder project, so it only makes sense to me that the two companies would split costs/resources and share the tooling. And if both lines are 100% compatible then so very many options instantly open up.
I’ll close by saying that there had damn well better be a Golobulus-like figure (see released!