Spotted Online – Callgrim Photos

There has been a wave of cool news out of the Onell Design camp over the last week and what may be the very coolest news of all has to be the photos of the new Callgrim figure. Yay, a gun!

Click to see more photos at the Callgrim site.
Click to see more photos at the Callgrim site.

In other Glyos System news, there’s also a new forum at October Toys. At the forum you’ll find fans of the series chattering, posting pics, and basically using the forum as it was intended. There’s not a lot of traffic at the moment, but I expect that it will grow as more fans make their way there.

There’s even a thread for the wave 1 Custom Corps figures. (In case you missed it, here’s my Custom Corps review from last week. Short review? Wow, this is neat. Why didn’t I get two?)

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