Spotted Online – Camille Young’s Borange Resin Toy
Camille Young (website here) has launched Boranges into the wild world. Standing 1″ tall and costing $30/each, these are some of the most expensive resin toys I’ve seen so far (on a dollars-per-inch basis, that is). They’re very cute, bright, and have awesome packaging.

At a run of 100, and $30/each, I’ll be very interested in how long it takes to sell through these. If he was 1/3 to 1/2 that price I would have ordered one already. As it is I think he’s a little too high for my comfort.
He is cute, though. And the custom package is a nice touch.

$30 is stupid! How about $10 and then maybe I’d be in. Especially when they are not really limited. This is just the FIRST run of 100. The website selling them says they will restock again later in the year if these sell out!
If these sell out then I’m in the wrong line of work. These look cute and all, but $30 for 1-inch of resin x 100 pieces = Yay for the designer. These required effort, yes, but not that much effort.