Spotted Online – Collectibles of Tomorrow at Cool and Collected

Now here’s a post I wish I had thought of! Collectibles of Tomorrow, posted at Cool and Collected, takes a shot at predicting what stuff we have today will be collectible and prized in the future. I’m not sure I completely agree with all of the choices — I don’t know enough about Skylanders to have an opinion on whether or not the line has long legs — but none of that matters since I enjoyed reading the post.

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1 thought on “Spotted Online – Collectibles of Tomorrow at Cool and Collected

  1. Brian at Cool and Collected organizes a kind of ”blog swap meet” called the League of Extraordinary Bloggers where, each week, we’re given an ”assignment topic” and we post on our own blogs, sharing links to other contributors’ posts (such as the one Brian himself wrote and you shared).

    Here’s the original assignment post, along with other League contributions, which you might enjoy reading:

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