Spotted Online – Cosmic Squadron Review
The Dead Presidents Designs (blog, Twitter) vinyl toy series, Cosmic Squadron, continues to stare at me from across the internet and whisper: “You want one.” Toys are cruel.
And it’s not just the toys that are cruel, as this Cosmic Squadron review proves. Andy of Kaiju Korner (blog, Twitter) shares thoughts and pics of the Cosmic Squadron Rayon toy and this is another chance for you to get a closer look at the toy. I fully expect to own one of these before the end of the year . . . but I’m a sucker for the design and your own mileage my vary.
I hate to say this, but seeing the closeups really cooled me on Rayon specifically. I dislike the yellow tint of the clear vinyl, and the finish on the head looks… Iffy.
Oh and does anyone read japanese?
Because I think there are still Cosmic Squadron figures available here:
The magenta and white one looks incredibly spiffy.