Spotted Online – Crimson Dynamo Review at Infinite Hollywood

I’ve got an Iron Man 2 Crimson Dynamo 3.75-inch action figure but I haven’t opened him up yet. Since he’s my last Iron Man 2 action figure until April I figured I’d save him for a week or two. Fortunately, Newt over at Infinite Hollywood didn’t wait.

Click to visit Infinite Hollywood.

Okay, someone over at Hasbro is obviously about my age and read Iron Man comics at the same time I was in the eighties. How else can we explain the figures we’re getting in this line? I can’t wait to find a Titanium Man so that I can recreate the cover to Iron Man #229.

Click to read my Stealth Operations Iron Man review.

I wonder if we’ll get a 3.75-inch scale Firepower in this toy line. That would be . . . well, staggeringly amazing.

3 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Crimson Dynamo Review at Infinite Hollywood

  1. Yeah, everyone needs more villains and I would think you could get Firepower out of a heavily redone Mark I. I cannot wait to start seeing these guys in stores here in the UK

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