Spotted Online – Custom “Adventure Team Rock Collector” by Monte Williams
Monte Williams always snaps incredible action figure pics (see his Flickr page), posing toys within environments and sharing with us photos that are absolutely beautiful. And, best of all, Monte has no problems with mixing and matching toy parts, toy lines, toy scales, and anything else he feels is necessary to create a fun photograph. Need an example? Well, this Adventure Team Rock Collector is a perfect example of his work.

Taking a G.I. Joe vehicle from 1989 (see, Monte made minor tweaks in order to present something that would fit his personal vision of the G.I. Joe Adventure Team at 3.75-inch scale. At Flickr he writes:
“This is a vintage Real American Hero vehicle called Destro’s Razorback. While its golden tone isn’t quite a perfect match for good ol’ Adventure Team yellow, it nonetheless looked to me like a lost Adventure Team vehicle, with its unlikely shape and its delightful bubble.
I removed the missiles and replaced them with the claw-arm from two Pursuit of Cobra Steel Marauder mechs to make it less a war machine and more of a pulpy, early-’70s exploring vehicle.”
Great work, and I can totally imagine this fitting nicely with the Club’s Adventure Team series from 2010 (Adventure Team Helicopter, Adventure Team ATV, and Adventure Team Man-Eating Plant).
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