Spotted Online – Custom Star Wars Cantina Diorama by Snowman

Take a look at this incredible diorama at The Fwoosh and expect to be both amazed and inspired. Step-by-step photos and “how I did it” accompany the post and everything I see tells me that I want to sit down again and make another diorama piece. Hmmmmm. Kinda like how I ended up creating my own diorama after a different post at The Fwoosh inspired me. I should stop looking at that site when I’m pressed for time.

Visit The Fwoosh!
Visit The Fwoosh!

For even more cantina inspiration don’t miss “A Cantina to Remember” posted here at back in February. Between the new post at The Fwoosh and that earlier post here you should be all set to build your own cantina diorama piece.

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