Spotted Online – Custom Transformers Megatron by Jin Saotome
Toy customizer and artist Jin Saotome (website, Twitter) got creative and constructed a custom Megatron toy out of a Dark of the Moon Skyhammer and other parts . . . and the result is one remarkable Transformers toy that makes me wish I had half of Saotome’s skill and creativity. You can see several pics of the toy at his site and if you’re curious to see what the stock Skyhammer looks like you can find it at the TFWiki.

Here’s a cross between a Generations look and the Animated Transformers look for Megatron using the twin-propeller helicoptor form. The head is from a 2-pack Deluxe tank-Megatron, body from DOTM Skyhammer, prop engine joints from a megablocks Halo figure, and rotors from two of those PCC Searchlights. I modded a DOTM Jolt mech-tech weapon to fit under the helicopter folded up and extend to full size for Megatron’s cannon.
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