Spotted Online – Dark Knight Returns Action Figure Review at The Fwoosh

Read "Dark Knight of the Universe!"

The new Batman Legacy series action figures are out there, and now The Fwoosh reviews the Dark Knight Returns action figure. You know, the one Mattel said only reused a couple of small parts from the Masters of the Universe Classics line . . . even though every single photo makes it look like way more was reused than Mattel is admitting to.

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What I don’t understand is why Mattel would reuse parts without admitting to it because, in the end, who really cares? As long as the final figure looks incredible — and it does — then why would Mattel try to hide any cost-saving tricks they may have used? And on the other side, if most of the figure is completely new then why would Mattel spend money to make something that looks identical to molds they already owned? I’m confused . . . and in the end don’t care because I am grabbing this toy.

Read “Dark Knight of the Universe!”

I even had a little fun with the whole Masters of the Universe Classics and Batman thing last August when the toy was revealed. You can read my “Dark Knight of the Universe” comic to see how I played in the sandbox Mattel and DC constructed together.

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