Spotted Online – Diaclone Catalog Featuring Transformers Omnibots

The Dinosaur Robo artwork we looked at yesterday isn’t the only awesome bit of classic Diaclone out there. There’s also this page of 1984 Diaclone catalog scans that is guaranteed to make your Monday way better. And look, the Omnibots in their Diaclone form! I’m torn; was it cool that Hasbro only brought the Omnibots to the US as mail-order toys, or were these cool enough that they should have had a wider release to stores?

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1 thought on “Spotted Online – Diaclone Catalog Featuring Transformers Omnibots

  1. Man, I’ve been dreaming of new versions of the Omnibots for years! Hopefully Hasbro surprises us next year!

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