Spotted Online – Flickin’ Cars With Guns
Now this sounds a lot like a game we played back around 1988 or 1989. You see, we played a lot of Car Wars when I was a kid, and late one night we started using our Micro Machines ( search*) to play a game in which you flicked your car for movement and then rolled a die to attack.
Flickin’ Cars With Guns formalizes that game we played as a kid, presenting slightly (very slightly!) more complicated rules than we played by. The biggest deviation from the game I played is that this one uses a tape measure, but otherwise it’s very close to the old car combat dexterity game we played.
I feel one bit of info is necessary before you give this a try: Flicking diecast metal cars with your finger starts to hurt after a few turns. Trust me, go lightly if you try this and don’t put all of your strength into a flick. Those cars will tear your finger to hell!