Spotted Online – G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Firefly

I have to admit that Hasbro is doing a great job of apologizing for that awful G.I. Joe movie last year. Between the announcement of Renegades and the look of the newest wave of action figures and vehicles they’re working hard at erasing my memories of the film; but I’ll never forget the sinking ice. (And the internet will forever remember that ice sinks, as long as articles like this one at The Shiznit remain online.)

Click to visit Action Figure Pics!
Click to visit Action Figure Pics!

I’ve gotta say, though, that these Firefly photos at Action Figure Pics make me kinda excited about the new figures. I know they’re popping up in stores now, but pretty much all I’ve seen so far are the vehicles. Still, if pics like this keep popping up online then I’ll have no choice but to buy a figure or two from the new wave.

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2 thoughts on “Spotted Online – G.I. Joe Pursuit of Cobra Firefly

  1. All I can say is that you’re a brave dude for saying out loud that you detest the G.I. Joe movie. I made mention on Facebook that it was the worst 118 minutes of my life, and you’d have thought I was calling Citizen Kane a sack of horse crap. Ha ha ha!

    But I will say this: the movie gave us some kick-butt toys, and allowed the line to keep going in a crazy cool new direction. That Firefly is on my list of much wanted figures… BIG time!

  2. These would’ve made great figures for the upcoming Joe animated series on the Hub network if they followed the same designs. Instead we get more watered down animation like Sigma 6. My hopes aren’t up at all for the toyline, if it ever happens since there is no official word from Hasbro yet.

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