Spotted Online – Garbage Pail Kids: Minikins Video Opening

Topps’ blind-bag Minikins toys ( search*) is out in stores, ready to join you at home if you grab a bag or two the next time you’re shopping. I’ve seen these at comic stores, but surprisingly I’ve also run across these little toys at Target and Walmart. Thirty years after Garbage Pail Kids were first released and kids still love disgusting stuff!

For a quick look inside the blind bags watch this extensive video as menoknow3 opens up a handful of bags, both blind bag two-packs and four-packs. These little toys are as disgusting as they are adorable, and for even more on the series visit the Minikins page at

1 thought on “Spotted Online – Garbage Pail Kids: Minikins Video Opening

  1. I have to admit disappointment that the consistency of these toys was less like M.U.S.C.L.E. figures and more like flimsy (and sticky) erasers.

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