Spotted Online – Ghouls of Miskatonic
Arkham Horror*, Fantasy Flight Games’ massive Cthulhu boardgame series, is getting novels this year. Okay, this probably doesn’t excite many people but it strikes me as pretty cool; over at the office I often wish that we were publishing novels based on our games.
Find the details at the official product page, and you can even read interviews with the author and one chapter from the book. This isn’t expected until later this summer, but I know that as soon as it hits shelves I’ll give the book a shot. After all, more Cthulhu fiction should be a good thing.
From Fantasy Flight Games comes a gripping tale of mystery, suspense, and eldritch horror! Set in the popular world of the Arkham Horror board game, Ghouls of the Miskatonic is the first book of The Dark Waters Trilogy. Following the mysterious deaths of several young ladies, a wide cast of familiar faces from the Arkham Horror board game begin an exciting and terrifying new investigation.