Spotted Online – Glyos System CyberGator Review at


The custom CyberGator head from Jason Frailey (blog) looks so damned awesome that it makes me sad that one hasn’t magically appeared on my shelf. Maybe closing my eyes and wishing will make it appear . . . no, no luck at all.

I guess the best I can do for now is direct you to this CyberGator review at Designed for use with the Armorvor (prototype review here, launch comic here) this custom head is hand-cast and just begging to find its way into mass-production. This might be my favorite of all of the head sculpts that have been created specifically for the Armorvor body.

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5 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Glyos System CyberGator Review at

  1. I have 3 of these heads, and they are great. I didn’t plan on getting three, I only wanted one. After painting it though, I was having so much fun I immediately ordered two more.

  2. I picked up one of these in a purple that’s a close match to the dark purple of the Neo Nebula Armovor, and it glows in the dark, too. And I love the hinged jaw. Awesome work!

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