Spotted Online – Hasbro’s Reasoning for Removing G.I. Joe from their Webstore
Thanks to reader Jonny I found myself at The Joe Report, a WordPress blog about G.I. Joe. While there I skimmed through some of the articles and found myself reading “Hasbro Replies to Fan Queries RE: G.I. Joe’s Disappearance from”. I’d heard earlier this month that G.I. Joe was no longer at the site, but it was this article where I discovered that Hasbro removed the toys because G.I. Joe is now classified as a ToysRUs exclusive.
“Hasbro does not sell the GIjOE line on our website, the product line is exclusive to Toys R Us only.”

A quick search shows they are offering about thirty different G.I. Joe items on their site, so if you want to buy G.I. Joe online I guess the official word from Hasbro is that you need to go to the TRU website. Better not let any of the other online retailers know.
Some say that Hasbrotoyshop wasn’t really part of Hasbro, but licensed the name. They certainly could never keep any hot Joe items in stock. I suppose Hasbro didn’t want to anger any of their other retailers by having a rival site. Who knows 🙂