Spotted Online – Heroic Duo Upgrade Kit Review

Beezleboss blew me away with their Growing Pains upgrade kit (review here) and now they’ve got another kit out there, this time a two-fer with new accessories for the Transformers Universe Sideswipe and Transformers Generations Red Alert toys. I’ve got this kit and have shot photos for the Transforming Collections book, but if you want to get a look at it right now then see this review at 3B’s Toy Hive.

Visit 3B’s Toy Hive!

My kit doesn’t have quite the paint problems that are described in the review; maybe I got lucky for a change and got one of the better pieces out of the run. I won’t say this is a kit everyone must own, but that new Red Alert head really improves the official Hasbro toy and any Red Alert fans out there really want this kit. The Sideswipe accessories are the weaker pieces in the kit.

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1 thought on “Spotted Online – Heroic Duo Upgrade Kit Review

  1. Thanks for linking to the review! I should mention that there is a second run coming that will correct some of the issues with the set including molding the parts in the necessary colors instead of painting them.

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