Spotted Online – Hot Wheels’ Sideswipe

No, it’s not really a Hot Wheels Transformers diecast car, but as this post at Toyriffic points out, this Stingray Concept mirrors the movie Transformers Sideswipe design.

Click to visit Toyriffic!
Click to visit Toyriffic!

This car looks cool, but this is exactly the style of Hot Wheels car that I tend to skip. As I’ve said before, I prefer the wilder and weirder Hot Wheels designs. Still, this car does look great, and it’s neat that the card even plays with the reference a little:

“With a futuristic shape based on the original 1959 Stingray race car, this concept car also draws on Corvette cues from other generations, making a sweet “transformation” from old to new.”

1 thought on “Spotted Online – Hot Wheels’ Sideswipe

  1. That’s probably one I’d skip too, at least from a collection standpoint. That casting looks speedy though, so I might get it for racing.

    I don’t like the weird/fantasy cars as much as real world cars, but Corvettes are boring if you ask me. I only collect the cars I *want* to look at and Vettes rarely meet that criteria.

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