Spotted Online – Hot Wheels Wall Tracks Review at Stressy Mommy
The Hot Wheels Wall Tracks* continue to fascinate me, so I’ve started searching the web for reviews of the various playsets in the subline. Searches soon led me to this Stressy Mommy review, which makes the playsets sound even more incredible than I was hoping.

There’s a comment to the review, though, that does make me pause. An anonymous reader comments:
“I think the wall tracks are horrible. The command strips were great the first day. This toy may at best been on our wall for a week before most of it ended up on the floor.”
Now granted the comment is from an anonymous reader, but it has me wondering just how durable the entire Hot Wheels Wall Tracks* toys are. Does anyone out there have experience with these playsets?
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My son has these on his wall and they’ve been there for months without falling off. They really are cool.
@T-Rav – Okay, thanks! That’s good to hear and makes me a little more interested in trying to set up a few tracks. I keep thinking that running down the stairway would be cool.