Spotted Online – How I Became a Comics Fan, Thanks to Carmine Infantino’s Darth Vader
If you’re a fan of classic comic book artwork then you’ve gotta already own copies of The Amazing World of Carmine Infantino* and Carmine Infantino: Penciler, Publisher, Provocateur*, right? I’ve written before about how Carmine Infantino is still my favorite Star Wars artist, and it turns out I wasn’t the only one affected by Infantino’s art when I was a kid.

John DiBello posted “How I Became a Comics Fan, Thanks to Carmine Infantino’s Darth Vader” last year, and reading the post today I can remember my own first encounters with Infantino’s Star Wars artwork. DiBello’s post is a fantastic read and one you should check out right now! Reading as DiBello transformed from disliking the art to falling into the comics trap is a treat for anyone who loves comic books and stories of childhood.
“His character design didn’t impress the young me, either: Human faces and bodies looked too muscular and angular compared with the Star Wars film. To my eye, Princess Leia‘s infamous cinnamon-roll hairdo looked too restricted and symmetrical, and even Threepio and Artoo appeared unnaturally squat or square.”
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