Spotted Online – Intergalactic Skeletor Review at It’s All True
Despite all of the doom, gloom, and drama we seem to see each summer for a few years now, Mattel’s Masters of the Universe Classics action figure series ( search*) keeps chugging along, producing more Masters of the Universe action figures than I think any of us expected when this line was getting started six years ago. If you stop and think about it, Mattel truly has crafted something special with this series.

And now the line returns to the New Adventures branch of the Masters of the Universe family tree, with the new Intergalactic Skeletor review at It’s All True showing us the space Skeletor action figure all armored up and ready for battle. Fun review, but there was one tiny detail that really caught my eye and leaves me asking: “Hey, where can I get one?” Which detail is that?
This one:
“I was so excited at the prospect that I bought another Faker and tracked down a second set of Battle Armor with a double-damaged plate so I could have a full BD version.”
Uh. I don’t even have one of these. Is it really that easy to find a Battle Armor Faker* at a reasonable price, or am I missing something significant here? I sure would like one of those . . . but not at the prices I’ve seen.
MOTUC has been a wild ride! I remember how excited I was to see the first few reveals. It was like the figures I had always wanted! In those early days I don’t think I could have ever imagined this line going as far as it has. From He-Ro, Tytus & Megator, Wind Raiders, Granamyr, Jet Sled, Battle Ram, and Castle Greyskull! Who would have thought back then? They didn’t even know if the line was going to go beyond Man-At-Arms/Hordak!
It’s given me updated figures of my favorite childhood toys, figures of characters I loved as a kid and never had the opportunity to own and characters that never even had toys as a kid — not to mention delving into MOTU’s rich lore brining us figures of concept characters like Vykron and Demo-Man which by themselves are so cool! Not to mention the characters from Filmation and the Minicomics!
Yes, it’s had it’s problems, but what line is without issues? I do not consider myself a Matty apologist, although I have been branded one by some. I have nothing but gratitude to Mattel, ToyGuru, and the Four Horsemen for giving us this great line!
I think that Battle-damaged faker was part of a Comicon Exclusive 2-pack with Bizarro.
Yeah, Battle Armor Faker was packaged with Bizarro as part of the DC Universe Classics vs. Masters of the Universe Classics. They were a TRU Comic Con exclusive.
Uh. I don’t even have one of these. Is it really that easy to find a Battle Armor Faker* at a reasonable price, or am I missing something significant here? I sure would like one of those . . . but not at the prices I’ve seen.
Review at IAT:
@prfkttear – The prices I’ve seen for Battle Armor Faker are way outside of most price range.