Spotted Online – Interview with Mark Bellomo at Antique Trader

Mark Bellomo’s latest book, The Ultimate Guide to Vintage Transformers Action Figures, is set for release in a month, and today I’d like to direct your attention to this interview with Bellomo at Fun read, and Mark’s encouragement that you collect only what you love — do not collect for money! — is one everyone should keep in mind at all times. You only have to look at the speculative markets of the last twenty years to see that “I’ll sell this one day and makes lots of money!” rarely works out well for the buyer.

In my experience, Bellomo is generous with his time and knowledge, and this latest interview should give you some idea of what you can expect from The Ultimate Guide to Vintage Transformers Action Figures. Mine’s on pre-order, and I’m sure it will be as valuable a resource and welcome an addition to my library as his other books.

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