Spotted Online – Interview with Totally Tubular ’80s Toys Author, Mark Bellomo
Totally Tubular ’80s Toys*, written by Mark Bellomo, is one fantastic book that I’ve pulled down several times since buying the book. I even wrote a reading post about the book and shared photos, and any eighties toy collector who doesn’t have this book is missing out on a great resource.
And now we can all enjoy this interview at Brainfreeze. Click through and read the interview for more on the book, more on Bellomo’s other work, and for why Playmobil and Lego aren’t in the final book. A fun interview about a remarkably fun book!
Paul went on to explain that we didn’t have to limit the artifacts in the book to just action figures—he wanted to include video games, plush toys, fashion dolls, board games, stuffed animals, and many other curious bits of 80’s ephemera.
Source: Found in this post by Poe Ghostal.
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Thank you for the shout out.
It was a big honour to talk, albeit through mail, to the great Mark Bellomo.
@Axel – You’re very welcome! I had fun reading the interview; nice work.
@ Philip: and that’s just for starters… 😉