Spotted Online – Iron Man?
Between my own Marvel pics and the Cool Toy Review pics (mentioned here) you’d think I’d seen everything for Marvel Universe that was shown at SDCC. Well, in the madness I completely overlooked this Iron Man action figure . . . at least, I overlooked it until Articulated Discussion posted SDCC pics. Damn, just how many 3.75-inch scale Iron Man action figures am I gonna own?

Doctor Kent (blog) mentioned in my earlier post that Hasbro put more toys out after I left the show. Whew. I haven’t gone selectively blind.
I take it you saw the “Bleeding Edge”, (or whatever it’s called) armor too? That one looked to have amazing articulation!
i had the same question god there are so many and they are all so beautiful. between the comic ultimate and bleeding edge my head exploded
Depends on if Austin area will ever see these waves of figures before scalpers scoop them up.