Spotted Online – KelDOOOOOOMMMM! at Matty Collector

As predicted by me and everyone who even half tries to pay attention to Masters of the Universe Classics, yesterday’s Keldor launch was nothing but madness and frustration for a lot of fans. I’m so very happy I wasn’t near the computer; I would have been pretty damned annoyed if I had gone through what a lot of fans suffered.

Click to visit Poe's site.

I may have missed the excitement live, but I did get to relive the insanity by reading the comments at Poe’s “Happy Day” post. Happy? I’m betting many people would not use that word to describe how they felt yesterday as this nonsense went down.

When a company the size of Mattel screws up this bad — this many times — it makes me feel a little better about our own mistakes at the office. If Mattel can’t get something simple right then I shouldn’t hate myself so much when we make a mistake.

1 thought on “Spotted Online – KelDOOOOOOMMMM! at Matty Collector

  1. Ha! After hearing all the great stories about how bad the Mattycollector frenzy could be, I thought I’d give it a whirl. Check out my write-up: “Mattycollector Virgin Tells All – Shocking details of a first time customer”

    It really was quite the experience!

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