Spotted Online – Lego Minifigs Coming as Blind Boxed Toys

$3.50 for a box that includes random parts (according to this post at Tomopop) means that anyone who wants the Zombie Lego Minifig is gonna have to work at finding the proper pieces.

Click to visit Topless Robot.
Click to visit Topless Robot.

This is gonna be dangerous. A hell of a lot of fun, but dangerous. And word is that these will be available in stores, so it’s gonna be interesting to see how these go over at traditional retail outlets. I expect we’re gonna see huge demand for a lot of these individual figures.

Source: Topless Robot.

3 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Lego Minifigs Coming as Blind Boxed Toys

  1. Bad idea LEGO, bad. I want the wrestler fig *really* bad but not enough to buy box after box for $3.50 a pop to try and assemble it.

    I’ve never known LEGO to do mystery box stuff before…? I mean, I could spend $14 and get nothing but cheerleader parts with a robin hood hat.

    Although I do sense small-yet-passionate trading circles coming out of this. “I’ll trade you a zombie head for a caveman legs.” Kind of exhausting if you ask me.

    And I think you’ll then find someone that will buy a bunch of boxes, assemble one complete fig – like the wrestler – and then sell it for $20 on eBay or elsewhere. Just kind of a bad deal if you ask me.

  2. I don’t know, I kind of like the idea except I don’t think they will be random parts, probably random figures would be more like it.

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