Spotted Online – Love For Transformers Generation Two

I have mentioned before how I enjoyed the short run of the nineties Transformers Generation Two comic books. The art was great, story over-the-top, and everything about the twelve issue run really hit me just right.
Fortunately, as we get more time between us and those old comics the rest of the world is joining in; the most recent bit of online love for the comics is this Fwoosh post that touches on the comics and the toys, leaving us with such wonderful words as:
“It’s still a pretty fun read, and the art duties done by Derek Yaniger and Manny Galan punctuate just how incredibly ’90s this series was. There’s lots of gratuitous character deaths, all manner of robot carnage, and they manage to do “All Hail Megatron†on Earth, even with GI Joe on the job.”
Damn, this makes me want to now go back and read the comics. Time to dig out my copies of Transformers Dark Designs* and Transformers Rage in Heaven* and have some quiet time enjoying the old series.
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