Spotted Online – Machine Robo A-10 Review

It has taken me over a quarter of a century but I’m starting to find an appreciation for Go-Bots transforming robot toys. Why? I have no idea; you really expect me to know how my insane mind works? If I was forced to take a guess as to what is changing my opinion I’d have to point to online posts and reviews like this Fairchild Robo review at CollectionDX.

Go ahead and check out the review, but don’t blame me if you then proceed to eBay to look for this toy. (I did, and it’s not cheap in its Go-Bots version.)

Click to visit CollectionDX!

4 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Machine Robo A-10 Review

  1. Phil, you need to take an extra couple days, mortgage your house, and come down and buy me out of transforming robot toys.
    I have this guy. LMK if you want him that bad, we’ll work something out.

  2. yeah, I have this guy too, but you’ll have to settle for Doc Kent’s, he’s pretty much my favorite Gobot ever.

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