Spotted Online – Marvel Universe Cable Pics

The recent Marvel Universe* releases have been impossible to find in Austin, but fortunately there are snaps of the new Cable over at Action Figure Pics. Fantastic, and now I need to start keeping a closer eye on the pegs at Target and Wal-Mart because life just needs more huge thighs and guns, right?

Click to visit Action Figure Pics!

3 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Marvel Universe Cable Pics

  1. I’ve only ever found one figure from this wave (Gladiator – and he’s disappointing.) I’ve no idea what’s going on with Hasbro’s distribution, as the last couple of waves have been really tough to track down.

  2. Same here. Hard as hell to find anything. Here’s a tip, though. Since Disney acquired Marvel they’ve introduced Marvel toys in Disney stores. This past weekend I found Marvel Select in abundance, but also the Giant-Size X-Men variant set and the brand new Cyclops. The prices are more expensive at about 9.99 a figure, so it’s up to you how much you want it. I figure I can either pay it now or talk miyself outta payin 20 bucks a few months from now on ebay. If Wal-mart would clearance the 80 bazillion Iron Mans they’ve got on the pegs maybe we could get somethin new

  3. Thanks for the tip Wesitron. Last year at Disney World I did spot a load of MU figures in one of their stores but it’s good to know it’s not just a localised thing. Now all I need to do is find a Disney Store around here… 🙂

    And I agree about the Iron Man toys – every store I go into still has about a dozen pegs of unsold figures…

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