Spotted Online – Marvel Universe Frost Giant Review

I’m not at all a fan of Thor, but the new and massive Frost Giant reviewed at It’s All True is truly terrifying and terrific. Yeah, I can see myself being very happy with this monster. And he goes great with Masters of the Universe Classics figures, as demonstrated in this post at The Fwoosh. To Wal-Mart, folks!

Click to visit It's All True!

3 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Marvel Universe Frost Giant Review

  1. @Iok – I’d missed your review. Thanks for sharing, and now I’m thinking it’s time to hunt for a giant. No interest in the Loki, but that Giant looks fun.

  2. Nah, it’s cool – I just thought a few extra photos and another view might help.

    I know a lot of people are a little ”meh” about the Loki figure but even though he’s recycled from an old body he’s still a great figure and Hasbro has done an excellent job capturing his classic look.

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