Spotted Online – “Mastering the Universe” Review

I’ve mentioned this book a few times in the past and I have, at times, considered writing a review. Well, jump over to Poe Ghostal’s site for his review of the book. It’s not far off from my own opinions on the book.

I wrote, in the comments section, the following:

“I have this book and agree with your review. From the start this is a book that’s all about how great Sweet is. The discussion of how he turned himself into a powerful, well-toned man was especially annoying. It’s the side comments, many of them bitter, that turns this from an interesting read into a train wreck of someone’s emotional journey through toyland.”

It’s probably best if that statement remains my review of the book. It’s not terrible, but the author makes such ridiculous claims, and constantly refuses to acknowledge any useful contributions from others (except for a few backhanded complements), that enjoying the book is difficult. Entertaining, but not always enjoyable.

Think of it as a rant published in a book.

2 thoughts on “Spotted Online – “Mastering the Universe” Review

  1. I remember when this book was being pitched pretty hard on I entered a contest to win the book free. I won an autographed book jacket instead.

    Yeah. Go me. Sounds like I actually did better just having the book jacket as opposed to actually reading the book, though.

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