Spotted Online – Masters of the Universe Classics Optikk Review by Poe Ghostal

So the last Optikk review I looked at (mentioned here) wasn’t all that positive. The review made me a little less excited, but it didn’t kill my interest in the action figure. I’m a little concerned about the quality of the figure (there have been more than a few reports of ankle problems), but now that I’ve read this review by Poe Ghostal I’m starting to get excited again.

Click to visit Poe Ghostal's site!

The conclusion does a great job of making me anxious to rip this toy open as soon as it arrives, and I’m betting this simple quote will send more than a handful of people to eBay in search of their own Masters of the Universe Classics Optikk.

” . . . the Horsemen have outdone themselves here. Optikk’s vintage figure would have looked bizarre next to the 1982 He-Man, but MOTUC Optikk fits in seamlessly alongside the rest of the line.”