Spotted Online – Masters of the Universe Classics Sir Laser-Lot Review at
I’m thinking that Sir Laser-Lot may be the most hated 2012 action figure in the entire Masters of the Universe Classics series. The reviews have not been favorable — Poe Ghostal’s review, It’s All True review — and that trend continues today with the new Sir Laser-Lot review at
With this toy being so unloved it almost feels like one that will be dumped cheap for a year or so and then, after a couple of years, suddenly become popular and expensive. Why? Because it feels like that always seems to happen with the unpopular toys in a line. (That’s not true, but it sure feels that way at times.)

If you told me that someone made a custom figure who’s premise was that beta ray bill went to smallville instead of Asgard with the intention of showing that the premis sucked. If you added that the resulting custom was crude and not as funny as the customizer had hoped I would picture this. Motu characters can shoulder a lot of silly the way GI Joe characters can be pure stereo types. There is some unacceptable atribute here that would beleaguer any motu character.
Man, I wouldn’t have thought that “Sir Laser-Lot” (I find myself incapable of typing his name without quotes because of the particularly corny name – and I have no problems with the name Snout Spout) would be less popular than THE SUPERCOOL AND AWESOME SPECTOR, but here we are.
Seriously, it’s like Johns said “hey, you know how Superman’s costume looks incredibly unbalanced if you don’t have the red briefs to break up the blue? Okay, imagine that, only MORE”.
He looks like an update of a MOTU-knockoff. I don’t know why they couldn’t have given the basic designs to the Horsemen and then let them touch them up and turn them into actual attractive designs.
I’m still a bit torn on Sir Laser-Lot. Some days I look at the design and find some charm in its goofy design . . . and then other days it looks like (as LXNDR points out) a modern version of a cheap MOTU-knockoff toy.