Spotted Online – MasterShooter’s Unofficial Targetmasters
What’s with all of the Transformers Targetmasters toys these days? Now MasterShooter Collectibles is getting in on the action with four new Targetmaster-like toys. See this post at Seibertron for details and then try to figure out why the company chose such terrible names.

Hasbro must be going insane with all of the unofficial toys that have been coming out lately. I’m betting that the internal discussions are quite interesting to overhear, but what can they do? These producers are often in China and even then the legal costs to go after every single manufacturer have to be terrifying.
My guess is because they’re easy to make due to the size and very simple transformations?
If these will be cheap (i.e. $10.00 or less a pop) I’ll totally buy them for my Scourge & Classics Rodimus figures. I’ve wanted them to have Targetmasters for a while now, and this will be perfect. 😀