Spotted Online – McDonalds American Idol Toys

Pidgeonblog has a great post about the McDonalds American Idol toys from 2007. I’d missed these but I have to agree with:

“The thing that I find the most interesting about this line is the evidence of the designer toy movement seeping into the mainstream. And the best thing about that is that more toy manufacturers are doing stylized work again! It’s wonderful to see companies moving a bit back to the days of the 60’s Fisher-Price Little People!”

We’re seeing more and more of this sort of designer toy movement to mainstream and, no doubt, it’s just a matter of time before there’s a backlash and something shakes up the designer toy market. What I’m wondering about is whether or not wider sales and acceptance in the mainstream market will reduce the cost of toys or if it will just make it more difficult to find some toys as more people start searching for them.

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