Spotted Online – McFarlane Toys’ Prince of Persia Action Figures

One of the booths at the New York Toy Fair that was very uninviting was the McFarlane Toys booth. It wasn’t as sealed off as other booths, but everyone in the booth I tried to talk to made it very clear that they couldn’t be bothered with me.

So I looked at some of the toys on display and then moved on. I wanted a closer look at the roughly 3.75-inch scale Prince of Persia action figures, but it wasn’t going to happen with the attitudes in that booth.

Click to visit TNI.
Click to visit TNI.

Well, TNI has photos and info on the line. And I’m not completely sold on the action figures, but I’m thinking I’ll buy at least one of them to get a close look at it.

9 thoughts on “Spotted Online – McFarlane Toys’ Prince of Persia Action Figures

  1. Holy crap those looks freaking awesome. I can’t believe the smaller ones look just as good as the larger ones, and they’re even more articulated!

  2. @Jon – The basic attitude was “I’m too good to talk to you.” It felt as if they only had time for each other and friends; when I tried to ask a question I was either ignored or, in one instance, the guy just looked at me and told me he didn’t have the time to talk.

  3. Shouldn’t McFarlane reps be trying their best to get people interested in their products? I find it a little strange that they would be that way. Oh well, as good as these figures look I’m sure they’ll bomb.

  4. @Newt – Toy Fair is very, very weird. Many booths are blocked off, hidden by walls or curtains, and no one is allowed in without an appointment. And then there are booths that are open and inviting.

    The other odd thing is photos are not alllowed without permission. I still can’t figure out why anyone would be mad about me posting pics of their toys; I would think that would be a form of promotion.

  5. That was really off, from their standpoint, as a business, you don’t want to ignore anyone, you never know when you’re going to disrespect someone who can reach out for other people. There’s a saying in Chinese that goes something like “treat the beggar well, you do not know if he is a prince in disguise”.

    I would be a bit annoyed as well.

    By the way, yeah, some booths were closed and you couldn’t take pictures, there’s just one I’d like to see some actual pics of: Starcraft II figures.

  6. @Monsterforge – Do McFarlane reps usually poke their heads into blogs and forums? That would be an unusual act and totally the opposite of how they acted at the show.

  7. I was just joking around. It seems like every time anyone gets critical about a company on a blog that company’s execs show up to play defense… it’s something that just didn’t used to happen. Our world is changing.

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