Spotted Online – Miscreants by Troy Stith

You may remember the Virulentos resin toy that I reviewed last year. Well, the Virulentos creator, Troy Stith (website, Twitter), is back for more with this Miscreants art and custom-created plaque. And if we’re lucky some of this wild designs will become resin toys. Soon? Please?

Click to visit the October Toys forum!
Click to visit the October Toys forum!

The Miscreants are the grubby, evil, and sometimes mindless invisible mutants lurking on everything and everyone we see or touch. Although we can’t see them, it doesn’t make them any less real. They’re in the food we eat, on our pets, passed along with a handshake, or involuntarily sent along with a sneeze. Some have called them germs, and while that may be true for some, others are far worse than any disease could ever hope to be, while others can barely get their eyes open in the morning. No two Miscreants are alike and each one has it’s own ‘charm’ to share with the world. Whether you want them to share with you is another story.

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