Spotted Online – Monsterforge Custom Star Wars Figure on eBay

Do you remember that post about Monsterforge’s customizing from earlier this week? Well, he’s now loaded a new custom Star Wars figure to eBay and it’s as cool as ever.

Click to visit eBay!
Click to visit eBay!

“He reached into the Dark Side of the Force, and his efforts caused ripples that were felt across the galaxy by Darth Krayt.”

It’s well worth your time checking this out on eBay, if only for a look at all of the other photos.

1 thought on “Spotted Online – Monsterforge Custom Star Wars Figure on eBay

  1. Man… thanks for the post! I’m glad you dig the figure.

    If you remember the Ewoks: Battle For Endor TV movie from waaaaay back when, you might recognize this guy as the same species as the bad guys in that movie. I was going nuts trying to think of an alien species that hadn’t been done as a Sith, and I was like “Hey… waitaminnit! Those ape-lizard guys from the Ewok movie! YEAH!!!” Hee hee!

    Once again, thanks for the kind words!!!

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