Spotted Online – MOTUC Style Chat
So according to this post at Poe’s site there’s some sort of internal “discussion” at Mattel on what style is official for the Masters of the Universe Classics line. It seems like the 200X animated series* style is forbidden, despite the fact that we’ve seen Whiplash with a 200X head (see pics at Action Figure Pics) and that Chief Carnivus is coming to Matty Collector next week (and looks very 200X style to me). Huh? And why in the hell should we care which version the new toys come from or are styled after? As long as they look cool then I’m happy.

We will add 200X elements into Classics, but not in 200X style. Right now the 200X style is retired. Marzo and Whiplash had a bit more of 200X style, but since then we have pulled back a bit.
This strikes me as nonsense from Mattel. Hey, Matty, let’s stop wasting time on posts like this and focus on fixing the supply problems. ‘kay?
Truly best to just ignore the whole 200X debate and just accept the Mattel answer. My only hope is that some modernized elements are kept when they get to the Horde and Snake Men figures.
@DoctorKent – I think you’re right. It’s better to ignore most of what Mattel says, but it’s still interesting to see how (what appears to be) a successful toy line is treated/treats it fans.
@Phil Reed: the thing about it is that the amount of debate is out of proportion to what is actually happening. For instance, this 200X thing – people argue with each other for a hundred pages about what 200X hyper-anime style is, and how Mattel interprets it. Which leads into a debate about pieces people want. Unlike Joe or Transformers, MOTU has an active voice from Mattel popping in and giving more information on the messageboards. So when the fans asked for a 200X Skeletor sword, “Toy Guru” popped in and said that there would not be one, as it is the same in Mattel’s opinion as the classic Power Sword. Instead of accepting this, the fans try to figure out ways to convince Mattel this is not the case. They also try to use logic, which as you know is not always possible.
What I realized long ago when I was heavy into GI Joe is that we don’t really get a say in what product is released. It doesn’t matter how many fans go up to the Joe design team at conventions and ask them for a new version of their favorite character – if they don’t want to do it, they won’t. Best to just cross fingers, relax, and hope that Straxus somehow makes it into the Generations line in 2010. 🙂
Nah its not the 200x elements are forbidden, you still get weapons,etc. They can’t do HEADS of 200X characters.
They still can do characters in “classics” style meaning not anime styled.
I would like to thank Jeremy Padawer for creating 200X and confusing everyone today. Great job dude! b