Spotted Online – New Marvel Universe Action Figures has posted pics of the next Marvel Universe wave. Classic Captain America and Bucky are must own figures. Black Widow is a maybe. Thor, now that I’ve seen the pic, is also a maybe. Luke Cage is a not necessary figure.
That Captain America looks great. I’m a bit surprised that Hasbro decided to give us a classic Cap as part of a standard wave (and not as a special set or exclusive), but I’m not complaining. also reports that Iron Man Extremis may be part of this wave. See a photo of the upcoming Marvel Universe Iron Man Extremis action figure over at
I wonder what it takes to get on Hasbro’s mailing list so that I can start getting these promotional photos direct from the source. I’ve e-mailed Hasbro a few times but without any luck at all. Hey, if anyone from Hasbro’s marketing department happens to read this please drop me an e-mail. (Use the Contact page.) I’m a confirmed fan of the series and I’m happy to share information.
must. have. all. of. these.
I love my ML first appearance Cap, and will probably go for this one as well. Bucky should be called “lanky” – of he towers over Cap like he appears to then sadly I will likely pass on him (like I did for the ML Bucky) – I mean come on – he’s a KID sidekick, not Cap’s point guard!
Thor looks good too.
The pictures are never to scale and sometimes over exposed so the colors are off. The Cap figure has always been one of the tallest. If you look at the in-box photos you’ll see the Cap fig is pretty tall and Bucky definitely looks shorter.
Why is Luke Cage holding a giant piece of bacon?