Spotted Online – New Resin Bot from Onorio.Depiro

Take a look at this awesome robot toy that I spotted over at the Resin is the New Vinyl Flickr group.

Click to visit Flickr!
Click to visit Flickr!

I don’t know when this guy is set for release, but at a run of 40 something with a design and paint job this incredible won’t last very long. Unfortunately, it looks like the designer lives in Europe so shipping costs will make this tough for us in the US to grab.

3 thoughts on “Spotted Online – New Resin Bot from Onorio.Depiro

  1. Onorio said it should be ready in about a month. They will be forsale through Wizard sleeve toys so shipping wont kill anyone. I bought one of his zombie moluscs and it was around $40 including shipping. I love his stuff I cant wait for this. WST usually has a 20% discount running just look for the code and its an even better price

  2. Thanks guys! this dude will be alive soon!
    10 of the 40 may be one off colours too 🙂
    thanks for the support!

  3. I absolutely love this design. It reminds me of Marvin from Hitchhiker’s Guide, except I like this rusted look much better. Thanks for the heads up, I usually just admire the images of figures like this, but I am really considering ordering one (or trying to).

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