Spotted Online – Onell Design Toys

Click to visit the Onell Store.
Click to visit the Onell Store.

There are so many designer toys out there that every now and then I get lucky and stumble across a new designer or company that I’ve never heard of before. Today, thanks to a post at Plastic and Plush, I stumbled across Onell Design which then led me directly to the Onell blog.

Onell’s offering two neat toy designs over at their store, the Sarvos and the Crayboth. The figures are reasonably priced (for designer toys) so I went ahead and ordered a few (Gina insisted on the Redlaw Exellis, which is shown here) of each design.

One really interesting section of the Onell Design website is their information on toy production. There aren’t any numbers listed, but they claim they can create custom toys at very short runs (10, to start). Tempting . . . if I had time to play with ideas.