Spotted Online – Outer Space Men Mystron Review at
The Outer Space Men Mystron action figure was reviewed yesterday at, making it perfect timing for us since it means IÂ can fold this into the special week and give everyone more cool Outer Space Men content to enjoy.

The review’s quite entertaining because Adam goes far beyond just a look at Mystron and instead delves into collectors, limited editions, and the difficulty manufacturers are suffering through as today’s action figure market continues to shrink. I’m not sure I agree 100% with Adam, but we’re definitely from the same basic school and I do agree when he writes:
“The post-ToyFare world isn’t too kind to upstarts as people are locked in their own toy collecting spheres, uninterested in or unwilling to examine other releases. I have a feeling a lot of collectors are going to be upset they missed these in a few years, but it’s going to take a long time for them to realize these things even existed in the first place.”
So don’t miss out on these special toys. Check the Four Horsemen’s webstore; and now’s great timing since they’re having a scratch and dent sale on Outer Space Men action figures.
I wonder how much more the market can fracture before things start to collapse . . .