Spotted Online – Photo Review of “Dr. Figures CIA Operator” 12-Inch Scale Action Figure

I must not be picky enough when it comes to 12-inch scale action figures, because the figure in this photo review looks pretty cool to me. Most of the users at the One-Sixth Warriors site don’t think this figure looks all that great; maybe it’s just my inexperience with 12-inch scale action figures but the gear on this guy looks good to me.

Click to visit One-Sixth Warriors.
Click to visit One-Sixth Warriors.

I haven’t dug deep into “Dr. Figures,” but from what I can make out from scanning the forums this is a guy who is creating custom action figures using a combination of off-the-shelf gear and custom items. The figure is listed as available for pre-order, but I suspect that information is out of date since some people already have the figure in hand.

Click to visit One-Sixth Warriors.

Digging through this thread at One-Sixth Warriors it sounds as if “Dr. Figures” has a reputation for poor quality work. Still, the photos make the figure look cool.

I need to branch out into some other 12-inch scale action figures. I love the scale and the way the accessories often look, but I don’t own enough figures — and definitely not enough different lines — to have a real feel for what is and isn’t the standard these days.

2 thoughts on “Spotted Online – Photo Review of “Dr. Figures CIA Operator” 12-Inch Scale Action Figure

  1. Seriously, you are going to ruin me 😛 I was already planning on making at least one custom 1/6 figure… I am quite certain discovering One-sixth Warrior is going to make it difficult to keep that number low.

  2. @Ben – You’re gonna want to shut your eyes. I’ve got a few 12-inch scale action figure reviews planned for the rest of this month. I picked up a couple of great figures recently, and some cool bits here in Hong Kong.

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