Spotted Online – Poe Reviews The Mighty Spector
The Masters of the Universe Classics action figure, The Mighty Spector, never even appeared as a fuzzy blip on my “Hey, I might want that” radar. The design struck me as a bit dull and derivative, kinda as if someone wanted to bring the Liefeld-era of comic books into the Masters of the Universe series. I looked at a few photos of the toy before it was released, but in the end I was happy to ignore it.
Until I spotted Poe Ghostal’s recent review of the toy. Damn, if I had realized that the action figure was a fan character from the past created today I may have actively sought one out just to get a very close look at what a fan’s — granted, a fan with some power over the line — childhood design looked like in person. Fortunately, I didn’t know any of this because if I had opened this toy I suspect I would have been disappointed.

Check the review, and then if you want to know even more about the toy take a look at the reviews at both It’s All True and The Fwoosh. I think that the best thing about the toy is that I missed it; that may be harsh, but from what I can tell by these various photos and reviews it’s not the best toy in the line and kinda feels like a wasted slot.
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