Spotted Online – Predator Scavage and Renegade Review at The Fwoosh

NECA continues their series of Predator action figures ( search*) with another round of Kenner-inspired characters and The Fwoosh is ready with the review. I really love that NECA isn’t afraid to explore the really odd designs of the nineties, and seeing these two newest figures reminds me that I’ve not opened a Predator action figure in a very long time. Why? Too distracted and unfocused I guess.

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In the review by RoboKillah we get to see both Scavage and Renegade, and of the two I personally prefer Renegade because that Scavage design freaks me out. That thing is wicked nasty. Cool, but something about the appearance just gives me the creeps. And it’s weird enough around here at night without that toy eyeing me from a darkened shelf.

Click through for the review by RoboKillah. For even more on the line you can always check out my earlier reviews:

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