Spotted Online – Revoltech Skeleton at The Fwoosh
Go right now to this post at The Fwoosh for some remarkable photos of the new Revoltech Skeleton action figure (mentioned here). These shots make this toy look like so much fun that I can’t see how any of us can resist the urge. Well, maybe we can resist, but I’m betting that urge would turn into a flood of purchases if this guy was scaled with Masters of the Universe Classics action figures. Just imagine an army of these skeletal warriors backing up Skeletor’s evil forces.
And look at all of those accessories and that base! Yeah, these photos do an excellent job of making me want the toy; the crew at Kaiyodo (website) — makers of Revoltech — could do a lot worse than to send Mathew K at The Fwoosh more cool toys in the future because this is better marketing than the sales postings at the various online toy stores.