Spotted Online – Robo Force in Action Across the Web
Don’t ask me why, but yesterday ActionFigurePics posted a Robo Force review and now I see a Robo Force post at Poe’s site. Insanity! But I’m fine with it, since these are some fantastic robot toys from the eighties and they deserve some attention every now and then.
After you’ve enjoyed those posts don’t miss out on my Robo Force reviews. Since launching I’ve posted two reviews — Robo Force Maxx Steele and Robo Force Hun-Dred — and I am happy to say that these are fun little robot toys.
I remember these showing up by the metric ton in the garage sales of my youff.
Begged my parents to buy some, to no avail. Especially desired the Command Patroller:
Transparent revolving airlock doors!
I remember these guys. Matter of fact just bought one last year. Sentry. Been on the look out for more MIB of the protos that were never released but included in the catalogs. I’m probably the one of the very few out there that takes these seriously.
People only give a &#* about DCUC and MOTUC cause its all bandwagon crap now. Catch the fever11
I need the Patroller and the Fortress of Steele eventually.
This is a fun line from the 80s. I would buy them, but I know that they would just sit on a shelf somewhere.
Fun fact: I was the first person to scan in the catalog with the unproduced series 2 stuff. My favorite is the bad robot with the snakes in his mouth.
I have quite a few of these in storage. I need to dig up what I had. I know I had the huge white vehicle at least.